My feat of physical prowess this week just transpired: a mosquito followed me inside and I not only managed to watch where she went, (the ceiling) I managed to fetch my electric bug-zapping tennis racket, jump-swing to dislodge her, then *a second jump-swing* to zap. I feel like a, like, tennis pro-person. I’d name one, but I am basically unaware of tennis pros and the name would just as likely be a golf pro.

@Apocryphiliac Would you rather be immortalized as one who can deal death with a broad weapon ('close enough' counts in horseshoes and hand grenades), or as one who can deal death with a finely focused and nuanced weapon?
You could join the pantheon of the Golf Club Skeeter Smashers Hall of Fame.


@GeorgeG I tried to golf one time. I couldn't hit the ball forward for the life of me. So I'd have to say "fine and focused" are not in my arsenal.

@Apocryphiliac Well, then, you'll be well served by the electronic racquet of death.
RIP, skeeters!!!



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