Saturday is bringing the funny this week, with two requested comedy-horror films and one of my favorites.

1. Return of the Living Dead (1985) 8:00

2. Otis (2008) ~9:40 [as req. by @h2oaddicted]

3. The Cottage (2008) ~11:30 [as req. by @etakeh]

All times are US CST. Follow the link below and give me a heads up if you would like to watch along!


A reminder that we are watching three horror-comedies tonight starting at 8 PM US Central on my Discord server! Anyone may join us by following the link at the bottom (just be kind or you’ll be booted). Let me know if you join, intend to join, or have any questions.

is starting in 5 minutes with the classic RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (1985)!

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