Saturday returns this week with the theme British folk horror!

We'll be streaming "the unholy trinity!" Three classics that define the genre, starring Vincent Price and Christopher Lee, among others.


2. THE BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW (1971) ~9:40

3. THE WICKER MAN (1973) ~11:20

All times are US CST. Follow the link below and give me a heads up if you would like to watch along!

Here's an interesting (and quick) article about "the unholy trinity" and other British folk horror films, from Adam Scovell for the British Film Institute:

Where to begin with folk horror
A beginner’s path through the haunted landscapes of ‘folk horror’.

Saturday at 8 PM Central: a fictionalised account of the murderous witch-hunting exploits of Matthew Hopkins (Vincent Price), a lawyer who falsely claimed to have been appointed as a "Witch Finder General" by Parliament during the English Civil War to root out sorcery and witchcraft. Directed by Michael Reeves.


Tomorrow after Witchfinder, (~9:40 PM US CST) it's THE BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW (1971) dir. Piers Haggard.

"When a mysterious corpse is accidentally dug up by a boy in a small town, a group of local teens starts acting very strangely..."


When Neil Howie, a Police Sergeant and devout Christian, journeys to the isolated Scottish island of Summerisle in search of a missing girl, he is appalled to find that the inhabitants of the island have abandoned Christianity in favor of a form of Celtic paganism, and suspects they are hiding something…

It’s THE WICKER MAN (1973) starting ~ 11:20 PM US CST after Witchfinder and Satan’s Claw!


Here’s a short article, made up of some interesting interviews with the director and musical director on the making of The Wicker Man, by Dave Simpson for The Guardian:

How we made The Wicker Man
“Director Robin Hardy and musical director Gary Carpenter remember a descent into paganism that started in a Manhattan hotel room and ended up with the film company rubbishing their own work”

Different portrayals of wicker men.

Watch THE WICKER MAN (1973) tonight around 11:20 PM, US Central time, after WITCHFINDER GENERAL and THE BLOOD ON SATAN’S CLAW.

In addition to “the unholy trilogy” of Witchfinder General, The Blood on Satan’s Claw, and The Wicker Man, I’ll be streaming the fantastic documentary, WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED: A HISTORY OF FOLK HORROR (2021) dir. Kier-La Janisse, as a primer for the three feature films.

It’ll be starting in about 90 minutes from now.


Matthew Hopkins, Witch-Finder General
by Ellen Castelow

“Within the political and religious chaos that reigned throughout the period of the English Civil Wars, one previously unheard of Matthew Hopkins emerged.”

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