
Hey fans, what do you think of HALLOWEEN 3: SEASON OF THE WITCH?

@Apocryphiliac I felt like it had some serious pacing problems.

@thudfactor I could see that. There’s some time spent on “investigation” that doesn’t really go anywhere.

@Apocryphiliac makes zero sense with the series. But watched it at my babysitter’s when I was a little kid and it grossed me out so bad I got sick. Thought of it still makes my skin crawl. Watching it not so much 😂

@h2oaddicted I could see that. It’s pretty intense what happens to the kids…

@Apocryphiliac it was one of the first images of horror I ever saw. It was airing the same night as some Disney Halloween thing with Jonathan Winters and I was flipping around looking for *that* and found instead the worst scene from Halloween 3 that a 4 year old could possibly witness unsupervised. I had nightmares about it for years.

It’s wonderfully bonkers but slow in parts. It doesn’t quite know what kind of movie it wants to be but it cranks it to 11 whenever it can anyway. I love it.

@deadweirdo Yeah, that'll fuck a 4-year-old up! 😂

Good summary. 👍

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