Started work in earnest today on my next novel, a space opera inspired by Thucydides & dealing with ethical dilemmas in wartime. Major question of the work: How can one build proactively when others' destructive actions constantly compel triage-based response?

Process differs for every writer: I'm of the school that endlessly revises the first 20% of a story before I can finish the draft; I need the initial cadence *just* right to set a tone for the rest.

Still, it's a start!


@MLClark Is the answer to the major question: "with coffee?" :D

@Apocryphiliac Heck, it can't go much worse than all the other strategies we've tried! 😂

@MLClark I might have misunderstood.

Is this the concern of the work or the concern in producing the work… or maybe both? 🤔🧐

@Apocryphiliac Concern of the work! But hey, if coffee brings us intergalactic peace - or even global peace! - I'll take it. :)

@MLClark I’d be happy with a few peaceful hours. 🙃

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