returns in a big way! In honor of Halloween, starting tonight, and every night this month, we're streaming horror films on Discord at 10 PM US CST.

Join us on tonight as we kick things off with Tobe Hooper's (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) 1981 carnival gothic, THE FUNHOUSE.


Invite link:

Tonight on we're showing Argentinian neo-giallo THE LAST MATINEE (2020) dir. Maximiliano Contenti.

Come join us at 10 PM CST for some bloody fun, won't you?

For October day 3, we’re showing, by request (yes, we do that!) the middle film in John Carpenter’s “Apocalypse Trilogy,” PRINCE OF DARKNESS (1987)!

Join us at 10 PM US CST for this slice of classic horror cinema!


Invite link:

October day 4 is kickin' it old school, with Hammer's HORROR OF DRACULA (1958) dir. Terence Fisher. This was the first film to feature the iconic Christopher Lee/Peter Cushing duo, as Dracula and Van Helsing, respectively.

Join us tonight at 10 PM US CST for a true classic!


Invite link:

October day 5 is another by request (this time from @Horrrflmlvr). We will be streaming THE LAST MAN ON EARTH (1964) starring Vincent Price tonight at 10 PM US CST on Discord!

Adapted for the screen by Richard Matheson (based on his novel, I Am Legend) this is just one of the many great films in Vincent Price’s career.


Invite link:

October day 6 is a request by @etakeh and another classic Cushing/Lee film, HORROR EXPRESS (1972) dir. Eugenio Martín.

Join us on Discord at 10 PM US CST!


Invite link:

October day 7 is by request from @strummerdub, it's the final film in John Carpenter's Apocalypse Trilogy, IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS (1994).

Come join us at 10 PM US CST on Discord to watch along!


October day 8 is coming at 10 PM US CST time tonight! Join us for anthology horror film TALES FROM THE HOOD (1995) dir. Rusty Cundieff.


October day 9 is George A. Romero's foray into the vampire sub-genre, MARTIN (1976). Join us at 10 PM US CST on Discord to watch along!


For October day 10, and in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day 2022, we are streaming BLOOD QUANTUM (2019) dir. Jeff Barnaby, tonight on Discord at 10 PM US CST. Join us tonight for some zombie mayhem.


October day 11 is JAWS (1975) dir. Stephen Spielberg, by request from @Jezibaba. Come join us at 10 PM US CST to watch along.

October day 12's offering is Astron-6's horror-comedy PSYCHO GOREMAN (2020) dir. Steven Kostanski, at 10 PM US CST tonight on DIscord!


@Apocryphiliac hopefully I can make it. Fell asleep halfway through Jaws last night 🫣

Moving is exhausting

@h2oaddicted Bummer! That's ok though, I totally get it, especially having gone through that myself recently.

Hey, you had recommended/requested OTIS, right? I actually picked that up recently and I can stream it sometime. Idk if it files under "horror" and if not, maybe I'll wait until after October? I don't feel very strongly about that though, so if you would really love to watch it this month, we can do that.

@Apocryphiliac thanks! I love that movie. Not the easiest movie to find. I’d put it under horror comedy. It’s twisted and hilarious. I’ll leave it up to you if you want to stream it this month or not 😊

@h2oaddicted if it's horror-comedy then that works. Tell you what, just pick a day next week that would work for you (16th-22nd) and let me know when you'd like to watch it. 👍

@Apocryphiliac I’m traveling all day the 17th so maybe the 19th or later


@h2oaddicted No worries. Let's just wait until you get back and revisit it. Remind me and let me know when you want to watch it. There's no hurry, just would like to know a couple days ahead so I don't promise the day for something else first.

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