returns in a big way! In honor of Halloween, starting tonight, and every night this month, we're streaming horror films on Discord at 10 PM US CST.

Join us on tonight as we kick things off with Tobe Hooper's (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) 1981 carnival gothic, THE FUNHOUSE.


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Tonight on we're showing Argentinian neo-giallo THE LAST MATINEE (2020) dir. Maximiliano Contenti.

Come join us at 10 PM CST for some bloody fun, won't you?

For October day 3, we’re showing, by request (yes, we do that!) the middle film in John Carpenter’s “Apocalypse Trilogy,” PRINCE OF DARKNESS (1987)!

Join us at 10 PM US CST for this slice of classic horror cinema!


Invite link:

October day 4 is kickin' it old school, with Hammer's HORROR OF DRACULA (1958) dir. Terence Fisher. This was the first film to feature the iconic Christopher Lee/Peter Cushing duo, as Dracula and Van Helsing, respectively.

Join us tonight at 10 PM US CST for a true classic!


Invite link:


Don’t forget, in just a little over 5 hours (10 PM US CST) we will be celebrating October by watching the Lee/Cushing classic HORROR OF DRACULA (1958) dir. Terence Fisher on Discord!

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