returns in a big way! In honor of Halloween, starting tonight, and every night this month, we're streaming horror films on Discord at 10 PM US CST.

Join us on tonight as we kick things off with Tobe Hooper's (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) 1981 carnival gothic, THE FUNHOUSE.


Invite link:

Any not familiar with THE FUNHOUSE should know that, while at the time of its release, some were disappointed by its relative restraint (considering that the film was directed by Tobe Hooper, known primarily for the carnage of his Texas Chainsaw Massacre) it has come to be regarded as a somewhat-overlooked classic of the golden early-80's horror era. It has rightly earned that reputation, imho. Come check it out tonight at 10 PM CST!

About 70 minutes from THE FUNHOUSE (1981) dir. Tobe Hooper on Discord.

Celebrate Halloween all month with us, every night at 10 PM US CST!


Less than 5 minutes to THE FUNHOUSE (1981) dir. Tobe Hooper!

Hopefully everyone who tuned in last night enjoyed The Funhouse! Stay tuned for the announcement of tonight’s feature, screening in a little less than 12 hours from now!

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