My cute little cat, Poppy, that will always be kitten size decided to stand on her hind legs at the same time I was leaning down to look under the bed for something. She's mostly blind in her left eye so probably didn't notice me. Her little head collided so hard with my right eye that am now having weird flashes of light when I blink and eye is trying to be colorful. Who the hell manages to get punched in the eye by their cat's head?? Surprised she didn't knock herself out!!

@Embers You should be ok. However, if the symptoms get worse, I suggesy a visit to the ER. It's not worth playing with your vision.

@dw98439 Nods. If it gets worse I'll head to urgent care tomorrow. Probably just the swelling screwing with stuff a bit. I love my cats..I love my cats...🤪😄😆

@Embers @dw98439 Yeah, definitely don’t hesitate to go get it looked at. And definitely give the little one with the hard head some attention and keep an eye… I mean pay attention to her behavior in case she does seem concussed. 👍❤️‍🩹

@Apocryphiliac @dw98439 That's what I've been doing. Actually it's all I can do as the pupil is blown in her bad eye so can't compare if the pupils are equal or not. Thanks dude!

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