Hello, I’m a 40-year-old fiction writer who loves horror movies and punk rock. This is my first post and I don’t know what I am doing.

@Apocryphiliac Morning 🙂 You managed to set your profile picture so you are doing better than most 😉 The userguide is here counter.social/userguide.pdf and are useful. If you get stuff just post and ask for help - someone will help you.

@Mandypar omg there’s an official user guide? Ok, I’m genuinely excited now.😆

@Apocryphiliac It may be a little out of date as we have more stuff now, but it is a good start on the basics. Just beware spending too much time here using all the parts of the site instead of writing, a bit like I need to focus on reading lol


@Mandypar never enough time in the day. Like I just bought a book today—why? I still have hundreds lying around I’ve yet to read!

@Apocryphiliac 🤫 In Goodreads, I have the Want to Read list but then two sublists - the In Queue list and the In Queue 2 list. (I probably have more books on my Kindle Fire that are in none of those lists lol) Thankfully my book review schedule is in my calendar (it is organised honestly).

@Mandypar good on you, I mostly just flit between things in a totally hectic and unorganized fashion. Been meaning to use Goodreads to, if nothing else, just keep track of what I’m reading, even what books I have? But I think I’ve been on there for a decade or more by now without ever having really used it… heh.

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