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Here it is my friends, Radio Free California Episode 2425! New music this week from Oceanator, Wishy, NOAPOLOGY, swim school, Ainsley Costello, Swim Deep, Bilial (and friends), Moby, Illuminati Hotties and much more. Enjoy!

As per usual, my blog version will be up later.

Airbag, the Norwegian prog-rock band, has dropped a new album called "The Century of the Self" and it is a wonderfully restrained and melodic album full of wonderful songwriting and performing. Definately worth a listen on the platform of your choice.

While the Fake AI is more than a little distracting this new song from Wishy is pretty damned good.

Wishy - "Triple Seven"

As promised, here is the blog version of Radio Free California Episode 2424, complete with radio station notes for what we're playing this week (including the something different we're trying this week on 10 at 10), some blogging, and of course my usual cheap shots. Enjoy!


And here we go my friends, Radio Free California Episode 2424! New music this week from Soft Kills, Quivers, PONY, Woody and Jeremy, lovelytheband, Charlie xcx, Bonnie Light Horseman, Fantastic Cat, Leo, Deep Purple (!), Bon Jovi, Next Time Passions, Eels, Bloomsday and much more. Enjoy!

As per usual, my blog version will be up later today with radio station note and actual blogging!

New Music from Los Lonely Boys.

"Wish You Would"

I have seen them live, and they are amazing.

As promised, here is the blog version of Radio Free California Episode 2423, which also includes a quick essay, cheap shots at new stories of the day, and an extra video. Enjoy!


Here it is my friends, Radio Free California Episode 2423. New music this week from bands as varies as Eclipse, Nick Cave & The bad Seeds, Another Michael, Andra Day, Crowded House, MOULE, Eminem, The Chameleons, Richard Thompson, Barry Adamson and much much more. Enjoy!

As per usual my blog version will be up later today.

I think my single favorite new music discovery this year so far is Lola Young, a 23 year-old from the UK who write truly in your face lyrics and strong songs to go along with them. When I first discovered her song "Wish You Were Dead" she had somewhere around 40,000 monthly plays on Spotify. She now has over 1 Million.

She's earned it.

Here is here new single, "Messy". It will join the rotation at my radio station

New Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. "Frogs"

Required listening.

One of the most imaginative bass lines I've heard in a while.

And to me it sounds like a song that would be the closing track on an album. Knowing Nick Cave, it of course won't be.

As promised, here is the blog version of Radio Free California Episode 2422. There are notes about this week's programming on the Radio Station, plus a small essay (no cheap shots this week) and a video to a live performance of one of this week's new tracks.



As promised, here is the blog version of Radio Free California Episode 2422. No cheap shots this week - I really didn't want to surf the internet on my day off. I do have a few thoughts about a strange milestone I've hit though.

Also, notes about the various shows coming in the next week on the radio station.


Holiday or no, here it comes - Radio Free California Episode 2422! New music from all over the spectrum this week, including Benjamin Russel with Greg Fraser, Motorists, New Age Healers, Cory Wong, Bess Atwell, Nada Surf, The Besnard Lakes, Scenic Route to Alaska, Kid Moon and much more. Enjoy!

As per usual, my blog version will be up later with radio station notes and so on.

With Richard Sherman's passing I'd like to remind you that the Songwriting team of Sherman and Serman, in addition to everything else they did - including writing the greatest earworm in history - also wrote this, which was a top 10 hit TWICE, in different decades.

As Promised, here is the blog version of Radio Free California Episode 2421. I'll admit, it's not much different this week from just a regular playlist, but if you're even a bit curious about the little internet radio station I run, it's worth checking out to see the shows on this week.


A little later than planned, but here it is my friends - Radio Free California Episode 2421. There was so much to sort through this week!

Fantastic week for new music including tracks from Humbird, Childish Gambino, Black Smoke Trigger, Draag, The The, The Warning, Guster, Joywave, Collective Soul, Lake Street Drive, The Linda Lindas and much more. Enjoy!

As per usual, my blog version will be up later.

As promised, here is the blog version of Radio Free California, Episode 2420. No real cheap shots this week other than once I've already taken in my previous post. Still great music though, plus a video I always enjoy seeing.


Okay friends, here it is: Radio Free California Episode 2420. A real hodge-podge of new music this week from bands like The Ceys, MaidaVale, Woody and Jeremy, Johnnie Carwash, the late John Entwistle, Thunderpussy, Charles Connolly and much more! Enjoy!

As per usual, my blog version will be up later.

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Chris Reed

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