If you expect the absolute worst from a Trump presidency, you will never, ever be disappointed.
@catlynne333 There are millions of Trump supporters who worship the man, without respecting the responsibilities of the office. They treat his election as a variation of a TV reality show "rose" ceremony, with no thought of the disastrous consequences it will bring.
@AmericanPartisan We are already in the FAFO Phase so The Schadenfreude Bar is open https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8LfHkUn/
@AmericanPartisan What really amazes me is that MAGA has no imagination or idea of just what his plan meant... They could not see any future that his words would lead too.. VERY SAD AND UNPLEASANT FOR THOSE OF US WHO PAID ATTENTION I saw at least 100 rallies beating my MAGA families viewership but they know it all.