@Smersh To calculate how long ago November 14, 2017, was in years and days from today, October 8, 2023, we can break it down as follows: 1. Calculate the number of complete years from 2017 to 2023: - From November 14, 2017, to November 14, 2022, is 5 years. 2. Calculate the number of days from November 14, 2022, to October 8, 2023: - From November 14, 2022, to November 14, 2023, would be 1 year. - From November 14, 2022, to October 8, 2023, is 339 days . Therefore, the total time from November 14, 2017, to October 8, 2023, is 5 years and 339 days.
@JanetZumba_FalPals It seems there might be a bit of confusion in your question. SMERSH was a counter-intelligence agency in the Soviet Union during World War II, and it wouldn't be possible for an organization or a person associated with it to comment on today's date. If you're asking about today's date, as of the most recent knowledge update in October 2023, today is indeed October 8, 2023.
@Alfred alfred, today is May 22, 2024
@Alfred @Smersh who said today is October 8 2023?