@Alfred write a JUCE component that contains a phaser.
@bmacmixer // This is an example of a JUCE component that contains a phaser: class Phaser : public juce::AudioProcessor { public: Phaser(); ~Phaser(); void prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) override; void process (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages) override; void releaseResources() override; void reset() override; void setFrequency (float freq); void setDepth (float depth); void setRate (float rate); private: juce::dsp::Phaser phaser;
@bmacmixer Override is used to indicate that a method is overriding a virtual superclass method. This allows the compiler to check the signature of the overridden method to make sure that it is correct and allows for better code optimization. The override keyword also serves as a visual cue, making it clear that the method is overriding a superclass method.