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An Open Source Silicon report and recommendations from the Free Silicon Foundation (EU) is linked from this summary page.

I'll be at this San Diego event and was wondering if anyone local would want to meet up there?

Steve Waterman K4CJX will be in town for the shindig on 4 November so he is planning on coming to Hamstastic.

Good chance to talk over some stuff, so please consider yourself invited if you have an interest in this area.

Spread the invite around and I'll work on any meetup logistics. Should be a really nice day!

It is now considered to be treasonous to assert any household authority, at all.

You are supposed to be a Consuming Unit, not a Contributing Unit.

Contributing entities mean opinionated bidirectional communications are going on, and you have Functions in Society.

When this sort of thing is no longer welcome, you are no longer a household in a society.

You're just a set of passive consumers.

What has? Mainly the government. It took over the functions of the household, one by one, leaving only Entertainment (and Consumption) as the things you are "supposed" to do to be a "legit" household.

This means you get no Wives, whether male or female, because there is the false belief that there is no real "work" to be done to make a home.

Going it alone as if households are simply automated bill paying is kind of insane. People need more support than this.

It has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Tradwife movements notwithstanding, no faith tradition active today has stopped the complete destruction of the household's strength and vitality.

Problem: Households as home bases don't work well without an old school Wife. Households as centers of activity don't work unless they have an old school Wife.

We've managed to try and function without recognizing how important the unpaid internal labor really is for households to work, and I think that the contempt and erasure for homemaking is at the center of the current painful place we're all at in society. Whether a household is one person or twenty, doesn't matter.

So, the "household theory" says, that you can set a household up to be a "home base" and members go out on adventures. Attention and activity are directed outward. Members come back to repair, rejuvenate, and restock...

Or you can set up a household to where the attention and activity are directed inwards, and the members spend their time doing things for the home or family.

Like, old-school capital W wife. The one that carries the keys and knows how to make all the stuff work. This is a lost art.

The Wife needs, herself, to have a wife. Some sort of person, whether employed or obtained (slaves) that get shit done so She gets stuff done.

If this sounds like a modern business C-suite down to middle management, it's not an accident.

In order to execute all these functions, you needed a core team. Usually a Man. In most of history, the man was the only one that could actually own the place. So you had to have a head of household.

There was no way this poor dude is going to have a good time if he didn't have a Wife.

And, could have some networks, as long as they only included other women, who were also serving households.

The gendered inner/outer sphere (private/public) was entirely dominant in western Europe and the US and is still the fact in Japan, China, and Africa.

In "the household theory", there are two types. This theory assumes that everyone knows what a household is. It was expected to be able to execute particular functions, including economic, judicial, social, educational, and entertainment.

Let's set aside the fact that the curriculum was written for teenage girls to educate them on how to properly serve their husband, who would select the type of they would have, the location, the economic level, what social circles they would "officially" have, and so on. It was the way it was and still is for many people. Men determined the household's interface to the outside world. Women were in charge of what went on inside.

When it comes to science, we've really fallen down here. We had the last gasp of respecting it with "home economics", a high school requirement that eventually only girls took. And then it got dropped.

However, subjects like "what kind of are you going to have to set up?" were part of the curriculum.

And, there's some neat stuff here.

We spend a lot of time in the popular talking about styles, and management styles, and styles, and so on. In , there's classifications on everything, including (amore, agape, fraternal), and a whole host of other things. In , we can trick the circuits into working with either frequency based or time based models (or both).

Tonight's the night! Talking about BANNED RADIOS with Dennis Kidder W6DQ at Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee weekly shindig.

1800 US Pacific time. Learn about this talk, get the link, and find many many more at

Dennis Kidder and I will do a panel session and answer your questions.

Like ? Free newsletter about what me and a pile of volunteers are up to can be found here:

Everyone welcome.

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