Yes, the workshop will be recorded. No, it will not be successful without participation. If you care about completely unused VHF/UHF spectrum in the US, and want to see educational, modern, non-commercial use of this band happen without unnecessary impediments and silly rules, then we need your input now.
Here's the link to RSVP (no you do not have to be an IEEE member to use vTools and sign up and attend):
Interested in proposing updated rules for the #amateur radio 219 MHz band to the US FCC? There's a virtual workshop on 25 October. Please RSVP below:
A 219 MHz proposed FCC rule-making (US-centric) workshop is in planning for late October 2024.
If you would like to help with this effort, please join ORI at and indicate your interest in addressing spectrum management issues with the 219 MHz band.
In short, it's a completely unused amateur radio allocation due to outdated rules. We can and should try to fix this by proposing sensible and workable rules, so that amateurs can operate on this band.
Streaming data from DMA is working for #OpulentVoice on the #PLUTO SDR.
This is an innovative #opensource #digital communications mode that has very high voice quality (no more awful AMBE/CODEC2 low bit rate harshness) and handles voice and data without you having to switch to a clunky packet mode.
Legal on 70cm and above.
Today's Open Research Institute #FPGA meetup video recording is available at
#OpenSource digital radio R&D. All work available to the general public at no charge.
Two FCC TAC meetings this week, Opulent Voice milestones reached in Remote Labs West, and our Digital Update for Microwave event kicks off 3 October 2024.
Since the NextNav rules proposal (reorganize 900 MHz band, invite #broadband data 5G in) got traction at #FCC (ORI comments are here:, I’m thinking that a proposal to renovate 219 MHz might just be in order?
If NextNav can get a proposal for rulemaking in front of the public, then we should be able to as well. 219 is a band with a spectrum management failure that has sided out amateur radio entirely. Last documented #hamradio activity was in the 1990s.
Interested in #cybersecurity? Want to hear how #ai and #machinelearning is related to cybersecurity?
A hybrid presentation is coming up from #IEEE San Diego Section:
Find me and my Open Research Institute crew at RF Village at #defcon this weekend.
Look for the Volcano Booth with #opensource #digital #radio and #hamradio exhibits.
Can’t make it? Keep up with what we do with our free and private newsletter signup here:
Our #opensource minimum shift keying (#MSK) #transceiver work for #fpga has been published on ORI GitHub.
Do you have an opinion on Synthetic Aperture #Radar, technical or #regulatory?
What is required to get regulatory relief from an #opensource perspective?
See how some of the #opensource #hamradio sausage is made! :)
@Abraxas3d While that is pretty darn cool, I'll admit I'm having a hard time getting past the fact I utterly loathe MATLAB.
I had to use it in some of my engineering classes, and I think I'd rather piss broken glass than have to use it again. It's just got so many weird little quirks, and that's on top of the fact it's dynamically typed (I do *not* like working in dynamically typed languages *at all*, even at the best of times - just makes things that much more confusing).
First of a series of videos about the #Neptune project has been released. This series shows how #MATLAB #HDL Coder is used to create #opensource #FPGA designs.
Emulate what you want to replace. This removes the "hidden" objections against electric stoves.
If just one article would honor the fact that there's tons and tons of people that know how to competently and quickly cook on a gas stove, and just don't want to burn a bunch of food and risk getting humiliated when they have to use a new tool, then I think conversion would be a lot easier of a sell.
*Please* manufacturers, just write some code for an electric stove that mimics gas stove response. Make it a big selling point.
I enjoy thinking and doing. Not necessarily in that order.