
First of a series of videos about the project has been released. This series shows how Coder is used to create designs.

@Abraxas3d While that is pretty darn cool, I'll admit I'm having a hard time getting past the fact I utterly loathe MATLAB.

I had to use it in some of my engineering classes, and I think I'd rather piss broken glass than have to use it again. It's just got so many weird little quirks, and that's on top of the fact it's dynamically typed (I do *not* like working in dynamically typed languages *at all*, even at the best of times - just makes things that much more confusing).

@IrelandTorin Thank you so much for the reply! We try to keep folks informed of what we are doing. This is one part of it.

Nothing is especially easy with MATLAB. You've summarized important issues.

The interface with other tools is sometimes good, but with ADI RFICs, there's some gotchas.

Anything we learn is fed right back to open source tools developers. There are some potentially good FGPA/SDR frameworks. They need to know what the commercial tools are up to and can achieve.

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