@MrDZYN I really don't understand why these outlets take the dangerous ravings of a seditionist. People are getting prison sentences daily thanks to Trump's first coup. He bullies journalists all the time. I will continue to call the nytimes, etc. out for stupid Trump headlines whenever I see them. Which, as you point out, is far too often. Naming and shaming Trump news is how I cope. Will that work? Woot!
@Rupiefied2020 He could have spent a few months planning. Just a smidge.
Are you confused by the interface here? We admit, it can be a lot to get used to.
Here's a handy overview. We hope it helps!
If it doesn't, try using the mobile app. It's streamlined for ease of use. #CoSoTips
@sazemisery I think we know Herschel is being protected by the GOP goons who follow him everywhere. He's like a scientologist giving an interview with lawyers and handlers attached at the hip. The puppetry of the GOP has gone to scary new levels.
@Juhstin Oh, that is a splendid idea.
@Juhstin And he is spreading dangerous lies. So, yeah, we need to hammer the bigger news outlets when they act like he's a sane option for 2024.
@GreenCheese Hopefully, we can count in the news to interrupt programming. If the Muskies can't find real news, that's their own problem. But he really needs to rehire those moderators.
@SteppinRazor And Biden kept the planet in the solar system. With his mind. #BidenIsMightier #LunaticTrump
@TheVictor Michigan is winning. I wish we could give the Freedom Is Free Patriotic Forum of Dim Bulbs PAC the big boot from Wisconsin. But that's a future goal. Gretchen Whitmer is badass in the very best way.
The Pennyfarthing Diaries 🧐🎩 is rather pleased with the Dem strategy of late. And if we can help Warnock win in Georgia, that would be splendid. 🗳🌊https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/11/10/2135162/-New-report-reveals-how-Democrats-conned-grifter-Trump-into-picking-terrible-midterm-candidates
@Meekspees @kel good idea
@kel I noticed something was making my phone hang when I used the Twitter app. And it was trying to find my location for awhile. Now it makes sense.
If you haven't deleted the Twitter app from your phone, you definitely should.
It's siphoning up everything about you. #cososec
@AJPENNYFARTHING One of my favorites from that other place has arrived! Read his books. They are hilarious.
Author of The Pennyfarthing Diaries at DailyKos.com and the best-selling series of Trump-trashing books available @ Amazon.com.