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You can add filters to omit topics that you would prefer to avoid, and you are encouraged to mute or block those who you find to be disagreeable. On CoSo, such actions are not punitive. They are necessary tools that help you to make this place yours. #CoSoTips
Wife is taking off for a girls getaway! Whoo!
Totally going full #bachelor mode!
I'm going to like... fold laundry and assemble the Ikea furniture and... maybe try to organize the garage a bit...? Definitely something WILD.
Hey super-teens. We're a week away from the end of the month and that little bar shows me we're just over halfway funded.
CoSo doesn't use an algorithm to cram paid content into what you see and isn't ad-funded. Storage, bandwidth and compute cost money. It's worth noting that if you're not paying for a product, you most likely ARE the product. That's just not what this place is about and never will be.
So if you can, #GoPro.
Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli has started a "web3 company for drug discovery backed by crypto".
So a con man taps into the most popular con going on right now...
Today's column: Good News Friday. Americans turn to Democrats in a Crisis and that bodes well for Democrats in 2024. If you like it please hit the recommend button. I am getting some mojo here. Thank you for reading.
DeSantis blocks (no surprise) the inclusion of an AP African American studies course as part of the available curriculum in Florida.
#FL #Florida #DeSantis #Politics
#CosoMusicians watch this space.
J has requested a #CosoCollaboration and somehow, I intend to make it happen
If you want in, to sing, play, edit video, engineer sound or whatever else, pin that # above.
How's things going over at #Twitter ?
This is totally normal for a reasonable person to do and not something a fucking psychopath would do.
Professional computer nerd. Pretty much an amateur at everything else.
#DemSoc #antifascist #craftbeer #ChicagoBears #Videogames #Geekery