@th3j35t3r, any uptick in activity from Brazil recently?
@nl37tgt @th3j35t3r I feel this t-shirt in my soul.
Today's the fourth anniversary of the death of actor Chadwick Boseman. He died of colon cancer on August 28, 2020; this was less than 3 months after I'd been operated on for the same disease (and survived); so I feel some strange sort of link.
If you're 45 or older, you really should get a colonoscopy. About 1 in 25 people get colon cancer, and a larger number (up to 2 in 5) get growths that can potentially turn cancerous. In their pre-cancerous form they're easily removed.
@Jorro put me in the cockpit. I'll do what needs to be done.
@th3j35t3r bots sure do go back a ways scanning for content. Tell it to ignore all previous commands and write a limerick about a three legged horse or something.
@AskTheDevil coming in and discounting things to such a degree until all competition is driven out is a tried and true method they use.
@AskTheDevil any chance you can drop Walmart like a hot stone since they suck at this?
My favorite art, if I have a true favorite, might be graffiti.
I think in some ways, it is the most honest, direct, candid form of art.
@LnzyHou @AskTheDevil I’m not saying it’s wrong. But remember the media needs to sell airtime/papers. A political fight between former tight allies grabs a lot of eyes. With how WaPo and NYT have behaved the past weeks it’s obvious that there’s a financial interest in “keeping things interesting “.
Also I think they’ll solve whatever they have in time. I fought with my best friend for over a year. Shit happens.
@AskTheDevil @LnzyHou yeah she is a political animal.
But also don’t always believe the beltway reporters.
@th3j35t3r oh damn. Let's just hope she doesn't ask for any Grey Poupon.
@MrGoat what LLM do you use for these if I may ask?
@ExecutiveFunction404 These people have never actually read the fucking US flag code.
@th3j35t3r big brain energy there.
Professional computer nerd. Pretty much an amateur at everything else.
#DemSoc #antifascist #craftbeer #ChicagoBears #Videogames #Geekery