@th3j35t3r so many times my parents made me do chores to pay off the phone bill I'd racked up.
@MrGoat @th3j35t3r got into AOL late in the game, mostly because I was into the local BBS scene and didn't see a reason to. But yeah... not knowing which numbers were in my local zone vs. "long distance" (even in the same area code) got me into trouble.
A lot.
I regret nothing.
I lived in a rural community where only AOL was available, and that was thru a long distance number.
My daughter did a report for school, and wanted to do this newfangled thing called internet research.
She was closely supervised. No messing around on AOL time.
The combined bill for AOL minutes and long distance minutes was around $100. NEVER AGAIN!
@AI78 we used to use all those aol free trials =D @th3j35t3r