
It's Day TWO of the

My assigned theme (thank you @Kurtroedeger ) is "Cookie Recipes"

Please add your favorite cookie recipes to my theme today, as much as you like--there cannot be too many cookies in the TL😍 💛

I tag @99reasons4truth for Day 3 and ask that her theme be "Pretty Lights"

also adding for future reference 🍪


@Faay @Minholkin @Kurtroedeger @99reasons4truth

Mexican wedding cookies


1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup finely chopped or ground almonds or pecans
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F

Whip together the powder sugar with bitter and vanilla. Then slowly add flour and combine with the hand mixer on low.

@Faay @Minholkin @Kurtroedeger @99reasons4truth

and combine with the hand mixer on low. Add the ground almonds, walnuts or other nuts. A soft dough will form.

I use a Mellon baller scoop to get the round balls onto the cookie sheet. These do not spread so you can pack them in tightly without worry.
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from cookie sheet to cooling rack. Place in a bag with powdered sugar and coat each one.
Remove from powdered sugar to serving plate and eat. 😋

@Faay @Minholkin @Kurtroedeger @99reasons4truth

Note: The Mexican Wedding cookies I had growing up were also called "Rum Balls" due to the nuts being soaked in rum....fyi, they had a kick! Now, with kiddos, I leave out alcohol.

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