What are YOU doing to celebrate International Rabbit Day?
Someone on another site mentioned this, so I checked and it is on by default.
In LinkedIn, go to: Settings > Data Privacy > Data for Generative AI Improvement
and switch it to off if you do not want your info used to "train generative AI models that create content"
(the image shows it off because I already changed it)
I can focus on my work and still see what you're up to, human 🤨
"Why is there an all-caps SANITIZER in my post authoring window?'
SANITIZER is a CounterSocial feature that scrubs your links and media to remove any and all metadata from the stuff you post.
For URLs, it takes out session, identifier and other tags that are commonly included in links.
For media, it removes location, device type, and other metadata.
We're the only social media network to do this, because on CoSo, your privacy actually matters. #CoSoTips
This is am excellent read and as a dog companion, very good to know about keeping our neighbors safe and comfortable in shared spaces
New Linocut for sale on Etsy! 2 color bumblebee print for $90. $10 of each sale on Coso goes to the life support fund.
Also, my #cosodisk1 prints are still available for $20. 100% of profits go to the life support fund!
Consider supporting #coso and a small artist!
CounterSocial is a few short months away from being SEVEN YEARS OLD. (We can't believe it either.)
It hasn't "broken even" once in that entire time. That means that over 80 of the months that CounterSocial has existed, its founder has had to pay the difference between subscriptions, donations, and whatever was owed to keep the servers online.
We mention this for one reason.
In order for CounterSocial to thrive, it needs a lot more people just like you.
Tell your friends. #CoSoTips
Artist, photographer, maker, podcaster (she/her) and human employee of Violet the Boss Bun