If anybody is interested in learning to read Lenormand cards and thinks it's too hard compared to generic oracle decks, or too much to remember that's different from tarot, then you want Erika Robinson's book "The Language of Lenormand"!
@weirdfizz Interesting. I don't read oracles much anymore but have worked with runes, tarot, and the druid animal oracle. Learned a bit about the Silver Spread from Silver Ravenwolf in-person. But have never heard of these. I'll have to look it up.
I got the book to be one last try before I give up. After a couple of chapters...okay, maybe giving up isn't on the menu anymore. I can try more. A week later, I did my first Grand Tableau.
I really didn't think I was going to be able to add this to my skills. Her book is so good!