Tonight, my wife and I went out to dinner. During the meal, the waitress came to check on us and asked how we were doing. My wife said we were talking about the D-Day commemoration we saw on TV earlier. The waitress looked confused. My wife said, “D-Day? June 6, 1944, Word War Two?” The waitress said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what that is.” She wasn’t a teenager or a bubblehead in her twenties, but a woman (she admitted) in her fifties.

How long ago did they stop teaching history in school?


@johnldeboer In the old days many schools used history class as a place to stash football coaches. Instruction consisted of memorizing names and dates. Students "learned" that history was boring and useless.

Florida has taken it to a whole new level, erasing all history that doesn't flatter white people.

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