#cosochoral concert today!
I was able to record our dress rehearsal Friday night. The choir is a bit more distant sounding in this recording than I'd prefer, because the setup was not what I anticipated. Still I think it came out pretty well considering.
I recorded two different tracks: a pair of my omni's, and my friends 414's in mid side. If you click the V2 icon to the right, you can compare.
Thanks. I'm not doing the official recording. Our board hires a 'pro' company to do it, though I've never been happy with their results.
If I were doing the real recording, I would absolutely be adding choir spots. I added a very gentle boost at 12k to the omni pair to help bring out a little more of the consonants from the choir, but they are just a bit too far away from the typical mains position above the conductor's head. Closer spots would help tremendously.