The Password Game
@voltronic d5 to c7
Those are both white pieces.
@voltronic ooppps d5 to e7
@DJNoneYa @voltronic I’d say d5xb6
Oh, I forgot the "+" to indicate check. That was it!
@voltronic Yeah, I forgot it too! 🤣 Also, I used the old style notation.
@voltronic @jaunty 🤣 I was so confused.
@redsheri1 The funny thing is…I’m generally bad at chess puzzles. On a roll tonight I guess. 🤣
@jaunty I am on so many meds right now I kept going like why can’t he move there is that illegal move. Thought it was because if he moved there would get King checked but no idea. Then I was like what is q? Queen or is he calling q b space. So confused. I need to not think until off these meds my brain isn’t working and chess needs brain. 🤣🤣👩🦰
@voltronic QxP check