This is promising for getting online rehearsals closer to reality, but it has a long way to go in terms of making it user-friendly for the less tech-savvy.
@voltronic Today? Or in general? Because I did make a network change to COSOCall today, has performance degraded for you today?
In general. I've actually never used CoSoCall other than a quick test. Just wondering what overall stats you see from an admin perspective. I'm thinking WebRTC might have lower latencies with larger groups compared to other conferencing platforms.
If so, it could make something like the above situation more reasonable for wide usage, without making end users having to mess with Jack and the associated port forwarding, etc.
^ I just said "port forwarding" and @opie probably started having hart palpitations.
Currently average is at 35.98 milliseconds.
Is that one-way, or round trip?
^ @th3j35t3r - what's been your average latency with WebRTC in CoSoCall?