Miss Rachal & Song for Littles is, hands down, the BEST show for little learners.
Jules is my my grandson's FAVORITE - he really enjoys all the songs and movements. ❤️
There is nothing wrong or improper with this (picture)
This hate against Jules hurts my heart &must change. 💔
Gifted/no paywall
@BeGrateful she does, and the littles just love the show. ❤️
@ucantstop_me love her show. My daughter told me about it. I’ve never watched through a whole show because I’m there playing with my 1-yr old granddaughter and teaching her myself on my babysitting days, but I’ll put it on for about 20 minutes when Nana needs a rest, haha. I love watching Maya engaged and responding to her teaching and songs. Songs for Littles seems like a safe place for children, full of love and kindness. Like Mr. Rogers was when I was growing up. We need more of these shows.
She has really gifted people working with her including Jules.