
Are you left or right-handed?

@tyote Hate to be that guy, but ambidexterity and handedness are matters of degree. I am both right-handed and ambidextrous--my left hand can do anything my right hand can, but the right usually does it better. When I'm using a tool and the focus of work crosses the centerline of my body, I usually pass the tool from hand to hand--I don't reach over. I never even thought that was strange till someone pointed it out to me. My son does the same thing.

@ImagineThat Thank you for sharing that! I'm somewhat the same way, but can only write and comfortably use a mouse with one hand, so I think of that one as "dominant". For certain tasks I'll use my non-dominant hand, or switch back and forth like you said.


Not only left-handed...but so were both my parents and so are both my siblings.

In my life, I've only ever encountered one other person that was true for. Usually, a leftie is the only one in their family (as my parents were.)

@tyghebright Interesting! Come to think of it, I only know one left-handed person, and his parents and siblings are both righties. 🤔


Lefties are about 10% of the general population. And there does seem to be a genetic component.

I also find we seem to be more drawn to creative careers and to the arts, so I also know a lot more than most people.

@tyghebright There may be something to that - my lefty friend is a musician, and my favorite guitarists are usually lefties.

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