Little spider hanging out in my office. Pretty sure it's harmless, and I'm inclined to leave it alone.
Anyone able to identify it?
That's my feeling.
@tyghebright will id it for you.
that’s a smolususferus teenieurusuous, native to where ever they’re found, miraculously!
they bring sparkles and luck to whomever crosses their path. @tyghebright
@tyghebright common name is Jumping Spider which is a pretty generic name for this class of spiders.
Ah, it has hopped around a bit. Makes sense.
@tyghebright named as jumping spider as it jumps and pounces on prey.
@tyghebright another thing to notice on this type of spider is that it anchors itself with a strand of silk to ground before jumping...
@tyghebright Agreed 👍 I would leave it alone! 🤗
@tyghebright VERY small? Like body the size of a grain of rice?
Jumping spider.
The cutest little spoodles of all! ❤️
Much bigger than a grain of rice, but still quite smol.
Consensus does seem to be jumping spider. And it is very cute.
I'm leaving it to wander, but Anna might eat it.
@tyghebright It is a carnivorous arachnid. It will paralyze you with its bite, sever your limbs and appendages and drag them all back to its nest.
As all spiders do....DUH!
Salticidae - Attulus fasciger - it's a jumping spider
That doesn't look like a Spider of Concern to me.