Talk to your grandparents. They’re probably pretty lonely. Also, I recently discovered mine are hilarious.
I hear they sell a board that let you talk to Jesus now. Maybe try that one.
I’ve always loved talking to “the old people” - They’re Way more interesting
@tiaugn I talk with my Baby Brother frequently already. He's one of the few members of the family I get along with very well.
@tiaugn My grandparents have been skeletons for longer than your grandparents have been alive. I'd need a Ouija board.
And I heard those are dangerous. You could accidentally summon the Devil!
But seriously, talk to your own, or any grandparents. Being old doesn't make you stop liking connection. We like to pass on stories, and we like to hear about those who be here after we're gone. We want to know you're okay, you're smart enough, you've got a sweater, that you've been warned about the Man.