I've watched the announcer mispronounce the same Black woman's name 3 times in a row ... You would think after the first time someone would tell her backstage that she has done this ... but she continues to disrespect this woman over and over. It's not even a complicated name and yet she just refuses to say it properly. This is the 3rd day of the competition ... and she still doesn't know it? I don't believe that. This is now tell tale White nonsense.
Congrats to Grace Stanke ... the epic nuclear engineer from Wisconsin. She is Miss America 2023. ❤️ She also plays a mean violin 👍🏾 🎶
It's so gross.
@Shelter It's so typical ... I shouldn't be surprised. I'm just amazed they have let her continue to do this. Like clearly everyone knows its wrong ... so either she just doesn't care (which I believe) or everyone is dumb AF 😜
Why not both dot gif
@Shelter because women can be petty AF thats why 😂
@Shelter Ahh she's finally corrected it. She's calling her by her proper name now 🙄
Then she was clearly capable all along. 🙄
@Shelter YEP 🙄
Miss Wisconsin is an epic nuclear engineer and I would vote for her just for her sheer level of amazing, powerful science speak 👍🏾 ❤️