So I don't want to use a funding site as the fees are 2.9% plus other additional fees - I will if it's the best route but I'm also not sure even what is needed right now but we don't have much time before an eviction process is started >.> finding a place to live while working and taking care of other family and things is 0.0

Stardate 3.20.2024

SO's god-father needs a lot of care - she's his caretaker (paid position) but he's currently in the nursing home to get rehabbed - he is not getting good care and we are having to find a new place to live as well - thing is that he's her 30hours a week but he can't live with us right now as we dont have a place for him - she has 1 other client currently that's about 7 hours a week - I work daily - Talking about lenders and maybe getting a house

I don't think we can afford much more than 70k-80k range TBH and that's probably pushing it close. Loan be based off her income and credit because I have no credit at all - cash goat 0.0

A thought.
Got a address?
Post it here with each update.
I may not have funds personally, but there are those who do and I have a boost button.

@stueytheround You know I have several pay apps venmo, paypal, cashapp, donorbox - venmo is slick as it's like wallet to wallet basically and no fees other than if i need to cash out or transer. Paypal is alright but I need to set up a fundraiser account not a business as mine is.


@MrGoat Whichever you use, please post the link in *each update* with the usual hashtags. I'll boost the fuck out of them.

Point is, make it as easy as possible for those who want to help you.

@PaganMother @stueytheround I will set up a paypal donation page as well as the venmo and let folks choose and if there's another route that is needed will do that as well. I have to go work in a few but will work on that stuff later today =)

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