@stueytheround At least they stopped counting earlier.
I’m tired of the days of counting.
It was obnoxious.
@EnochianEntropy Counting? Really? Oh dear.
@EnochianEntropy Oh right. No my post has nothing to do with that. More to do with art.
I asked a question.
I made a simple statement about the age old "what is art?" question.
Someone tagged J into the convo.
Then *I* got a bollocking for involving him. Which I hadn't.
Sad and pathetic bullshit.
Tools deployed. Feelings expressed. All is well 😁
@stueytheround I remember a time I caught some heat from a dummy when I posted an article about an occult group of Nazi dipshits with the text of “Hey, here’s something about these dipshits so you can recognize these dipshits because there’s a fair amount of fascism in the occult community you should look the fuck out for,” and it got taken down, which was bullshit, but hey, whatevs.
@stueytheround It’s a time of high tempers and people REALLY try to enjoy their sad and pathetic bullshit to make their lives seem meaningful instead of trying to live a life that is meaningful.