It's been a while since I did this so I am going to state my beliefs publicly for my new followers.
* I believe in a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three in one and one in three.
* I believe Jesus Christ is the physical Emannuel, God with us, born by miracle of virgin birth, fully man and fully God.
* I believe that Jesus came to do what mankind could not do by animal sacrifice: to once and for all atone for the sin of all humankind by His death on the cross.
* I believe that Jesus taught us to love all of creation, from the best and brightest, to the worst and darkest.
* I believe in an inclusive Gospel. There are NO exceptions. The worst sinner who *truly* believes will be saved.
* I believe lip service is not faith.
Please note:
I can not, and *will not* prove any of the above.
I promise to accept you as you are. I ask you to offer me the same courtesy. I will not "defend" my faith but I will gladly give a Christian perspective if asked
And the same goes the other way around. Got your six buddy.
@stueytheround I wish I could just copy this all and post it as my own.
You have my full permission to use it without attribution.
@stueytheround I may tweak it a little.
@poemblaze Whatever works for you my friend.
@stueytheround I don't believe all those same things as you, but I accept you too! : )
My Baby Brother is always happy when the people who follow him are actually nice to other people. Me too.
@stueytheround Takes all kinds to make a world, and I'm glad you're here to make this one with me. ^_^
@stueytheround While we may not share the same beliefs, you are my ally and my friend.
Am curious, and you don't have to answer if its to personal, but reading through, I wonder, are you Catholic?
@NiveusLepus No. I am Protestant. The basic tenets of the Christian faith are (or are supposed to be) the same, regardless of denomination. Truth is, that the only *real* difference between the Protestant and Catholic versions is the Pope! π
I accept and adore you, Stuey. You have a beautiful soul. π
I would like to recommend a book to you. It's a true story about a mom who lost her son to addiction, but ultimately the book is about her faith. I'm more spiritual than religious, but It's the most beautiful book I've ever read. I highly recommend it to everyone, but due to your faith I think it will touch your heart very deeply.
It's called The Flight by Cammie Wolf. If you read it, please let me know your thoughts.
@stueytheround Second all of these things! Gained my follow as well!
I do not believe what you believe, but I'll defend your beliefs if ever needed.