I think Trump is discovering what it really means to be a useful idiot to the GOP… particularly the part where he is no longer useful and it becomes apparent all these people were never loyal to him. that he was used to achieve an end and nothing more

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Today in, "Why do I have pets again?" I let my puppy outside to pee, set a 10 minute timer as I always do. Timer goes off, and walk downstairs walking towards the door to let her in I hear running water. Then I see a growing puddle on the floor. With growing dread I open the door to see that the puppy had ripped the outside spigot out of the wall - and water was gushing inside the wall and out onto the patio.

Cue a panicked rush to turn off the water main and a call to an emergency plumber.

I don't know if I have any fellow players here ... but the latest expansion adding kids - omg all the guilt. A group of beggar kids came to my colony and immediately manhunting grizzlies showed up and .. well ... children + grizzlies did not go well. My colonist couldn't get there in time to save most of them :-(

Nothing bad can come from Engineers being told they have to "self-certify" compliance ...

:dumpster: :fire:


Shapiro projected to wins - means I can throw out my “quick move someplace else” plan …

Ffs fam I’m getting too old for this

Briefly tuned into Twitter and … wow. There’s no moderation happening anywhere by anyone. I saw some really disturbing stuff like … front page.

I expected Twitter to collapse with Musk at the helm but I couldn’t have predicted the speed of that collapse. I don’t think he can fire enough people to keep up with the number of users and advertisers he’s losing every minute

As we get closer to election day, I'm forcibly reminding myself that for all the crazy shit we see posted or ideology driven violence, it is still the extreme minority. The vast majority of people don't and won't resort to the kind of tactics that extremists do.

My mental health is dependent on reaffirming that for myself, and a healthy limited of consumption of social media.

Attack on a democrat running for Office (in the PA state house), though the candidate reports at least 2 other incidents of violence against him prior to this.

There are folks in PA already claiming this was a false flag attack by another liberal against this candidate to make republicans look bad. Keeping in mind that there's been no arrests so far ...


Ufff Community firehose is a bit like its namesake today isn’t it?

Today, the quote from my daily Tao meditation felt simultaneously like a challenge, a reminder, a rally cry and a call to action.

"Every god can be defied."

So if this video I just watched has any truth to it (which it seems logical enough) - it sounds like, broadly speaking, the Ukrainian War is yet again about fossil fuels.



I feel like I've crossed some threshold in my career - I got my very first spear-phishing attempt yesterday. It didn't work, but I appreciated the attempt :-)

It sounds like Putin is giving up easily if the ceasefire talks are any indication (or actually happen). Speculation about whether this was the plan - or whether the world (and Russian citizens) didn't respond the way he expected.

:wave: Howdy friends - hearing reports that US launched cyberattacks against Russia and that RU is retaliating hard - particularly against finance and infrastructure.

me, foolishly thinking Twitter is less batshit: "What is Section 230 that Trump is demanding be terminated ... oh FFS"
Also me: "why is Martial Law trending?"
<Several seconds later>
"This was a mistake. People were a mistake."
<closes twitter tab>

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