I'm unhappy with Canary which is the current email program I'm using on OSX. I need multiple accounts, and baked in PGP. I was using Airmail before, and it had problems with years of archives. Anyone have a better suggestion?
@seanbonner I’m still using Airmail, mainly because of the iOS/Mac sync and archives/send to calendar features. Let me knew what you find
@seanbonner I have been trying canary, but I keep going back to Gmail. The main reason: searching is very fast.
@seanbonner I have tried them all. All have major faults. Canary is the best of a bad lot. I use Thunderbird for my email archive. It handles very large data sets well. So day to day I use the Proton Mail web interface and Canary. After 3 months everything goes into Thunderbird. (Proton Mail just added great support for PGP)
@seanbonner I use GPG with Mail.app and it does well. Not using it with Gmail though: 1 IMAP, 1 iCloud, and 1 Exchange account.
@seanbonner Spark?