Back in the... 2016 dem presidential primary I think it was, the starbux oligarch Howard whoever was threatening to run for the nom & turn everything republican or some shit.
I decided to just mute his name on all the socials, on the theory that if I ignored him, he would go away. And it worked! (You're welcome).
Very tempted to do same exact for musk.
I don't want anything to do with him or his products, don't need to give hime one iota of my attention.
there's a Tinkerbell joke/analogy in here somewhere...
@rpardee 🤣 Cosonauts dont fuck around!
@rpardee Damn, I can’t use my favorite “y* gods and little fishes”
@sfleetucker oh snap--I use that myself!
I shall remove that one--it's probably safe again.
oh snap--I also made kanye go away. I forgot about that.