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You are truly an inspiring and awesome person. I cracked realizing how lucky I was to know you and get to experience some of your journey and it's all gone. I"ll miss and remember you always Champ. Rest in Peace Katy.

😭 😭

must. sleep. Have a great day, day-shift.

Had to go check out the moon, but my phone camera is not worthy. Watching the pink moon captured from from the coast this morning was pretty spectacular though.

I pray there have been no casualties from here, but I'm kinda prepared for the odds of that now. Some people must for sure be in hot spots. I can't imagine. I'm close to a metro area but this tiny bedroom community seems to have been lucky so far, and I'm glad we got on the ball with isolation.

Good evening CoSo, sorry I've been away. My heart is with everyone and hope everyone is ok. I know this time is difficult, it's pretty rough on me for sure

After a couple months of covid and impeachment, I eventually crashed and gave myself shingles to go along with it.Actually turns out I've had that shingles pain for 30 yrs, and it had just never presented outwardly. Always thought it was part of my back pain or on the front, ulcers and anxiety. I was kind of a wreck but getting better now.

Good morning CoSo :) Hope your weekend is nice :)

Back in a bit after brunch.

I was not able to put on the public timeline, but rather keep my ability to stay unlisted anyway.

JR boosted

:a_fucking_narwhal_tusk_tho: :a_fucking_narwhal_tusk_tho: 💲 :a_fucking_narwhal_tusk_tho: :a_fucking_narwhal_tusk_tho:

is starting..

Let's get it to trend #1
Put in ALL your toots/posts. (til 9pm est)
Let's do this 😁

I need 5-10 people to commit to donate $20/$10/$5 each to the CounterSocial Life Support🆘 👇 when this is accomplished.

If you're game, send me a toot or dm if you want to be anonymous.

Remember it's to help J!! :jester:

Hi CoSo, Hope you have a great day :)

JR boosted
JR boosted

Oh yes.. if anyone in the New York area is interested, this evening at Shakespeare & Co. bookstore 7pm 2020 Broadway, Sonia Antaki is giving an author talk and book signing for Red Dove

Just putting it out there :-)

JR boosted

:a_fucking_narwhal_tusk_tho: Hey CoSo:

If you boost this 25 times..
I will donate $25 to the CounterSocial Life Support 🆘

It's that easy!

Going to crash out for a bit. BBL Have a great day!

I don't want to share the video, but one I saw of the Covid outbreak was a heavily dramatized film featuring Steve Bannon interviewing some people. It was surely meant to propagandize against China and raise fears as high as possible.

The comments were nutser than much else I have witnessed lately. The video is a bunch of other videos, interspersed and chopped up, a bunch out of context. Few verifiable sources or citations of meaning. Last ditch type effort to force China into acting for Trump

JR boosted

Also, I may have to move away from Firefox. No matter what I do whether it be stable, beta, ESR. CoSo just hangs on 99%.

The same extensions I have on FF are on Chrome Edge or there is gotta be something in FF that doesn't like Mastodon.

Tommy Douglas, the father of universal medicare in Canada, the first democratic socialist ever elected, had been recently voted by the nation as "Greatest Canadian". It was a fiercely contested title, but even as a former PC, I support that.

While he was a democratic socialist in government, Canada itself never once became socialist or communist.

The efficiency and justice of the system is purely centrist and protects citizens rights, health, happiness and opportunity.

Stepping away from the monitor for a bit until my kaleidoscope vision goes away. Might as well have a bite to eat.

Will any candidate disavow the precedents set by Trump? Vow to restore and strengthen checks and balances before they proceed with their platform, should it win? Perhaps even written in stone with one's own blood before the vote, maybe? lol

Whew! Well I hit the commercial break behind a bit. Substantive and ornery debate. Lots of good, bad, and ugly to go around. Tougher choice almost after maybe but important for informed content.

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