Found out a friend of mine passed away. I had never shaken his hand, never went out for beers, never seen his face, didn’t even know his full name. He and I met online 5 years ago playing a video game. He joined my clan and we would play for hours, telling stories, laughing. When he signed into the game he’d say “Hey, Red”. We always had a good time. I had moved on from that game a couple years ago, and we hadn’t really been in touch much. I’m so bummed I hadn’t talked to him recently.
@redbarchetta3 💔 I get it... That's really sad. I am sure you meant a lot to that person also .....
@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine thanks, that means a lot. Processing these virtual friendships is so weird sometimes.
@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine wow, 20 years. That’s amazing.