Laters, CoSo. A break is necessary. I shared trauma of xenophobic harassment due to my accent and someone responded by saying I horrified them by not wanting to lose my accent but instead persisting in being unintelligible. There are exactly two Nauts who have heard me speak. This person is not either one of them.
@publickovacs effem. That account has said xenophobic things before.
Besides, you ain’t got time for ‘em, you’re too busy being fabulous!
Wow wait, there is a history of xenophobia w that account?! Oh shit. Well I have blocked them.
Thank you for the vote of confidence but as I sit in my high school room for parent-teacher conferences, fabulous feels like a huge mf stretch 😘
@publickovacs aaaaaand i think it's gone.
breathe in, breathe out. ❤️
Thank you ✨