My glaucoma specialist was happy with how great everything looked at this morning 's 24-hour post-op visit. The pain and the bloody eyeball and all those things are part of the deal. This is by far the messiest eye surgery I have had. I am currently supervised by the most vigilant of our nursing staff: #Neville .
I just got through eye surgery.
Sorry you are having pain. My had some heavy irritation but nothing that could be called true pain.
I see my surgeon for my one month check up, tomorrow. I should be completely off the steroid then.
The retina is not fully smoothed out for another 6-7 months but it is vastly better than it was before surgery or in the days right after.
I hope you have as good of an outcome as I have had.
Sending my best good juju vibes your way!
I remember from some time ago that you posted that your retina was crumpled. Did you have a retina peel with vitrectomy? That was my first introduction to eye surgery and it felt apocalyptic at the time.
I understand exactly what you mean. I am sending strongly worded wishes that your improvement will continue and the retina goes and lies back down against the back of your eye!
😃 😃 💕
He scrapped off a form that had built up and and caused the retina to wrinkle a bit. Plus he sucked out some floaters
I was told to expect a 1-2% improvement per day for perhaps as long as 9 months to see the full effect
No real pain
Very blessed it has gone smoothly so far
Still some crinkle in my vision. Not a blur but like looking through a finely rippled glass