TFW you don't have time to change after the therapy animal visit with at risk teens because you have to head out the door to see Culture Club and you only have time to grab blue eyeliner and a different hair clip than the visit called for. It's okay: Boy George was always going to have better makeup.
Aw sweetie thank you
Aw thank you my friend
Always easy to identity truth. 💜
@publickovacs You look great, hope you have a spectacularly fun evening!
Thank you so much!
You look beautiful. I really love how you did your hair with the clip. Truly pretty. 💜
Thank you kindly! I literally had two minutes to do it, so I work d with my natural texture
What a fun life you have 😍
Thank you! I am taking great enjoyment in what I have been given - and as weird as that sounds, that is a conscious and arduous practice for me
That is the soul of gratitude.
@publickovacs @LnzyHou Looks like you're doing a great job. ^_^
I appreciate that! Thank you.
@publickovacs No. You embody witch much to my delight. So wonderful. Your makeup looks great and your hair divine. 🖤