I watched none of the convention. I need to protect what brain cells I have.
@MakerWerks I made a wise choice.
@poemblaze I too ignored it completely. Then again, I am really trying to avoid as much of the (ahem) news as possible. I always kinda wondered what my body was doing with the stress of the last 8 years and then I discovered my blood pressure was in the ludicrous range.
@MakerWerks I've been avoiding much more news in general. Checking an aggregator like Google News each day gives me what I need to confirm we're all still here.
@poemblaze I really just kind of pick up the scent of things from here and will selectively do further research.
@MakerWerks Makes sense.
@MakerWerks @poemblaze I accidentally caught about 10 seconds tonight. Definitely robbed me.
@djmpb @poemblaze Fear not. it's basically 'contact stupidity' and has no lasting effects.
@MakerWerks @djmpb I don't want to risk it.
@poemblaze Same. 👍
@poemblaze Just walking past a TV with it playing, temporarily robs you of 15 IQ points.