On the sidewalk I saw a snake I didn't recognize. Gave it wide clearance. After searching online I learned it's an eastern milk snake. Harmless. Photo not mine.
@TrueBloodNet I didn't think it was poisonous, because there are only a couple poisonous species around here, but I didn't want to be wrong.
@poemblaze “red to yellow, kill a fellow”. :)
@MookyTroubadour I haven't heard that cheery saying.
@poemblaze it’s a mnemonic for knowing a lethal coral snake from an imposter.
“Red to yellow, kill a fellow. Red to black, venom lack.”
@MookyTroubadour 👍 No coral snakes around here. Only timber rattlesnakes around the Mississippi River bluffs and eastern copperheads.
@poemblaze On the sidewalk? Where do you live? In the wilderness? And there are sidewalks? lol
@Pat_Walrond I live on a farm. They are called milk snakes because they were believed in past centuries to milk cows. Very odd myth.
@poemblaze they make great pets
@LegalCAT I might be willing to try that.
That is one creature I cannot abide. I get a frisson of fear when I see one, even if it's a common garter snake. *shivers*
So no, I would not have taken the apple offer. 😂
@LiseL Ha. I'm sure snakes were much more charming then.
True. And I perhaps I would have been hungry, so....
@poemblaze Still wise to avoid something that bright. It's using mimicry to try to be left alone but that means something similarly colored is dangerous. :)
Good job!