Yikes! Mother Nature is pulling out all the stops in So. Cal. We have a Tropical Storm and an Earthquake at the same time! 😳

My 8yo surprised me this weekend. I told him I would treat him to something from Target. What toy does he choose? A Super Mario Brothers themed Chess Set.

I didn't know he knew how to play chess!

Apparently some kids taught him to play in after school care last year and he really really likes it.

Who would have thought? 🤷 Guess I gotta relearn how to play now.

Another reason to love flexible WFH policies....

This morning at 6:53am my power went out trapping my car in the garage. In the past, I would have had to take a personal day off work since I work too far from home with no great commute options. Today? I am using a hotspot at Starbucks for a couple hours and if the power isn't restored by then, I will head to the public library.

WFH is the difference between having some productivity today and having none.

I reread Stephen King's "Fairy Tale" recently and the quote has stuck with me ever since.

Sometimes we need to rely on our "dark well" a bit to overcome true darkness/evil challenges in our lives. But it feels like recently more and more people have chosen to not just drink, but swim in their dark wells. It feels like so many people are so afraid of feeling weak that they are poisoning themselves into monsters.

Kristine boosted

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”

― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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A year ago if I had had two back to back runs that inched just under an 11 min mile, I would have been deeply disappointed at my poor showing.

After the last 4 months that pace feels like a small victory. Dare I hope I am on my way back to close to where I was?

Kristine boosted
Kristine boosted

I have developed an audio book problem in the last two months. I listen on my commute, sometimes when I run, and often when I am deep diving into chores. In the last two months, I have gotten hooked into two series and I CANNOT STOP!

I have blown through all 6 of the Verity Kent Mysteries and 5 out of 9 of the Arcane Casebook Series.

I keep running through series and I am not sure where I turn next to satiate my appetite.

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Dear Lord! I haven’t posted since April! I know I fell in to one of my “Life is super busy” anti-engagement holes…but wow!

Hi all 👋

Just finished Stephen King’s “Fairytale” and DAMN! Was it good! I think this ranks up there with on pf my favorites of his and definitely makes my “will read again” list.

I already thought we were in the dumbest timeline…then I saw some of the “Blue Check Wars” going on today…WTF?

There is a shortage of perfect movies in this world…and IMHO “The Princess Bride” is one of them.

We have a Mockingbird that is singing very loudly ALL. NIGHT. LONG. After some google research I discovered that if the mockingbird is singing all night like that, it is likely a single male looking for a mate. And so far not a single gal in sight.

So yeah…. I have never cared so much about a bird finding a girlfriend in my life.

My current project. I saw this yarn and the colors made me happy so I decided to make something with it. It is a simple triangle shawl and I am really enjoying this pattern.

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Finished my latest lap blanket. I am finding the infinity granny square very soothing to work on…which boy have I needed soothing!

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