I have a sun catcher in my room. Annie was in my room cuddling with me but I had to make dinner, then I took this picture because it was cute.

I have a dad joke for CoSo (I need the training):

What do you call a caveman who walks around all the time?
A Meanderthal.

@kel @th3j35t3r I wish I could have that poster, but I know that there is no way I could afford something that awesome.

Hey everyone. Thank you all for wishing me happy birthday. I would have responded sooner but I had a lot of work to do. I am now 17. Goodnight everyone.

I’m having another virgin margarita, and I accidentally got WAYYYYY too much cherry juice in it.

You know... I have one rule in life, “if you’re an A, then life is going to be a B to you”.

Just got a new look for Animal Crossing. The look says, “It’s time to kick butt and catch tarantulas/scorpions, but I’m all out of tarantulas/scorpions.”

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Monkey aka The Kid & Jr.

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