@stueytheround Good morning!
I'm hanging in there, thanks to both of you. Having trouble with my artificial left knee. It decided to start screaming at me last night, so I had to ditch my walking cane and dig out my walker (a.k.a. "Zimmer frame") instead. Got surgery on it scheduled for the 30th of this month, so hopefully they'll fix it up nice and tight this time.
I hope so, too. Thanks for the well wishes. Gotta keep working on music in the meantime. 😉
@leejackson May your pain lessen & your spirits soar! I'll be thinking of you on surgery day!
@CherNohio @stueytheround Good Morning all 3 of you! ☕
@Gramdma2011 Thank you for the kind medicinal words - much obliged!
@leejackson Good luck mate. @CherNohio
@leejackson Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Knee pain can be so painful. Hoping the surgery does the trick for you.