Just cancelled my family vacation to Arizona (supposed to leave Wednesday). My son is very young and has asthma... Not worth the risk. Gutted but we think it is the right call.

To be clear, I am just red-lining on TP.... Is this too much talk about TP?.......... TP.

Ugh one if my errands tomorrow is to buy toilet paper... What are the chances I can hit the trifecta?
1) Find it on sale
2) Not be silently judged
3) Not have to explain or talk to anyone about toilet paper or coronavirus

I mean, I'm getting the TP! Not optional! But damn it I don't need the face to face interaction on this subject.

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This being a time of general sanitary caution, are the anti-vaxers out in force, gleefully licking public surfaces? 🤔

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@lawsy129 I deactivated my $%! acct in Oct. Been best thing, never missed it. Stuck on CoSo, loving it!

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Hello! Just trying this out as an alternative to Twitter. Five hundred whole characters! The decadence.

I'm trying to be done with Twitter... If it has been bought by Trump's mis-information team, I'm out.

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Doing a little morning reading... Boy, this Mastadon guy needs to remove his head from his ass... I think it is an ego thing.

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FTR - I see you guys welcoming welcoming new users, and it makes my heart sing. Keep on keeping on.

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I must be a sucker for punishment, i'm rewatching the episode of Real Time With Bill Maher that bat shit crazy Louise Mensch was on.

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Hi all, I am a real Canadian retired professional. Committed to equality, diversity, family and fun.

counter.social/media/rpH7u_7nb A lesson that not everything stated is correct. But sometimes you can just fucking nail it.

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@lawsy129 It does always come back to that...[slumps shoulders and quietly heads off to bed] 😖

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Okay, I know this is deceitful but here's the plan:
Next time you go visit that relative who absolutely insists that FAUX is the only honest station, wait till they go out of the room. Take the remote and BLOCK FAUX News with the child control function and put the remote back where you found it. Then walk out of the room and say nothing... 👍
Deny any knowledge. :Asshat:

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the one sister I thought was smart and somewhat liberal told me that she likes a lot of Trump's policies R.I.P me.

Alex Ovechkin is a public Putin supporter. There are more shit-licking Russian supporters in Washington that I thought.

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